3 Tips for Email Newsletter Design

In Creativity & Inspiration, Editorial, Importance of Graphic Design, News, Tips and Tricks by JamieLeave a Comment

Your company’s email newsletter design is critical to your lead generation and nurturing sales efforts. Without effective email newsletters, you are missing out on a major opportunity to capture new people’s attention, in order to bring them in as your customers. Sometimes, just a few tweaks and changes in the design, can often lead to an increase in conversion rates or sales. Here are some tips and tricks on ways to improve, or elements to take into consideration when designing your email marketing newsletter.

Place Special Attention on Your Header

Your header will be on all the email newsletters you send to your mailing list—so it has to stand out from the crowd and make an initial impact. It should strike the attention of your reader/ potential customer within the first 3–6 seconds. You will need to make sure it closely matches the branding of the business, as it needs to instantly convey your brand’s values and a positive emotional response in a consistent manner. With a poorly designed header, you increase the chance of making people feel like they’re getting unwanted spam, even when they’re not. So be sure to spend some time on the newsletter masthead design.

Don’t Forget Section Headings

Of course the copy and choice of wording you use matter, because you will need something that will draw the audience in, but you’ll also need something that will visually appeal to them. Pay attention to font size and colour choice in relation to the rest of the design or masthead, so the eye is drawn to the content you want them to read, and so it is legible. Large blocks of text will make the newsletter difficult and boring to read, which will most likely detract the reader. Your section headings will break up the monotony and bridge the header and footer design.

Footer Design Matters Too!

Just like with a website, the footer design works with the header to provide a completed design. Your footer is where your customer will expect to find your contact information (call to action), how to share the information with their contacts on social media networks, and the unsubscribe link, should they decide they no longer want to receive your email. Don’t make unsubscribing difficult—you’ll upset your subscribers. Plus, it is always better to have a smaller subscriber list of people who will definitely read what you send, rather than a large subscriber base that automatically sends your newsletter to the trash.

Should you require Designz by Jamz to assist you and your business with marketing email newsletter designs, please feel free to contact our Creative Director, Jamie Hart, HERE.

email newsletter design

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