8 Advantages Of Standout Graphic Design

In Creativity & Inspiration, Importance of Graphic Design, News, Tips and Tricks by Jamie1 Comment

A brand’s success or failure may often rest in whether or not the artwork and graphic design is good and stands out from the crowd. Now, the word ‘good’ is an incredibly relative term. Indeed, what makes good design is even more relative. And, what benefits come from that design? An artist could easily get a headache. Luckily, JamzDesignz has worked diligently to present these, the 8 benefits of graphic design.

power of design

1. Attention Grabbing

A design is naturally considered effective if it grabs the attention of people passing by. The design should be able to do this within matter of seconds — it’s all about the first impression and impact on the potential customers.

2. Strategic Investment

Standing out in the digital world is becoming more difficult, as new web pages are continually being added to the digi-sphere every single day. A good design will help you claim your space; a foundation from which to expand your brand. A platform to which you can give your brand a unique tone of voice.

3. Pump Up Sales

Designs appreciated by business clients are generally only considered successful if they increase sales and revenue. A well designed product will undoubtedly help any business stay in the black.

4. Image Building

Changing the logo of a major corporation to show that they’re more in-tune with their audience is a great benefit of good design — as long as the design is not changed too dramatically, just enough to modernise and freshen up the company’s image, so that the target audience can still recall and recognise the brand.

5. Improves Market Ranking

One of the long term effects of good design is a boost in market rankings.

6. Creates Compassion

In a world with struggling economies and raising prices only the most well-trusted brands will flourish. If a design can connect with a customer, they’ll feel better, and transfer that emotion to the brand. This is a very important factor to consider when designing a logo, as well as any marketing or advertising materials to communicate a message to the target audience.

7. Recall

A clever design can make it easier for a customer to remember and recall the product. Everyone has had a jingle stuck in their head, but these days even images and art pieces can become lodged in our craniums. So be sure that your brand’s message and image is to the point, catchy, attention grabbing and memorable — leaving a long lasting impression.

8. Improves Staff Morale

Your design or logo isn’t only going to be shown to those outside of a company. Employees of the brand need to be motivated and feel good when they see your work on stationery, calendars, and around the office.

To see how great design can benefit your company contact Designz by Jamz HERE. One of our trained designers will respond in a matter of moments.

benefits of graphic design


  1. You are so right with this post! I can’t tell you how many times I have made impulse purchases based on how attractive the packaging or the advertisement looked.

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