Set Out To Impress With Catalogue And Print Design

In Creativity & Inspiration, Importance of Graphic Design, News, Print Design by Jamie2 Comments

In the last ten years, design work has primarily been carried out on the computer. Now, in the coming years, the entire process will be shared in a collaborative format over the cloud thanks to products like Dropbox and Google Drive. However, the Internet is not always the designer’s best friend when it comes to marketing and selling your services, business or work. Classic catalogue and print design such as magazines, brochures and flyers are still the most effective way for a business to showcase their range of products, services and prices to potential customers, or even for a print designer to share their entire catalogue of expertise with a client. At Designz by Jamz we consistently provide printed material for our potential clients and here are a few reasons why.

Nothing gives the client a true feeling of how your designed material looks and feels than a printed magazine. Not only does it lend weight and legitimacy to you as a business owner or designer, but also it allows you to promote your entire collection of products and talented work. After perusing your material, the client may find another product template they like, and there is nothing better than an unexpected sale.

Sending a catalogue to a potential or existing client allows you to display your brand values and creativity through graphic design and your unique tone of voice. You are a designer, not an accountant; reinvent the concept of what a catalogue can be. Show your customers that you have what it takes to take effective design risks for a positive impact.

You may be sceptical about printing a catalogue, but you should realize that as internet shopping has increased, the value of the advertising has decreased. An important aspect to note, is that people are more likely to tick off an email as spam without opening it. A catalogue on the other hand, is something tangible that cannot be so easily dismissed, has value to your customers.

Designz by Jamz can assist you with your printing process, as we work closely with a very reliable, efficient and affordable printing company that has cemented a wonderful reputation. If you have any questions about commercial printing or magazine printing in general, do not hesitate to contact us HERE at Designz by Jamz. We will do our best to make sure you get the answer you are looking for.


Be sure to check out our Facebook page for the weekly release of print promotions and fashion related design deals, in the lead up to Perth Fashion Festival! Design and promotional discounts you won’t want to miss out on!


  1. Would you suggest catalog or even print design fro almost any company? Or are there some companies that wouldn’t benefit from this? I am asking about an online only company that wouldn’t have a brick and mortar store.

    1. Author

      Hi there. Online companies can still benefit from having printed promotional materials, every bit helps to get the name out there!

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